“The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right.“
-Judge Learned Hand

The only way I can make sense of what I’m thinking is to write it down on paper. In this way, the abstract sentences and metaphors that are my thoughts (that closely resemble a herd of cats) can be wrangled until they align in a way that makes sense to me. Putting the words and sentences down in writing helps me see a visual representation of what I think – sort of like slowly seeing a puzzle emerge from your assembled pieces. This is literally the only way I can make sense of the world and what I think of it. Hopefully, me putting words down will help you make sense of it too.
The reason my blog is titled “Learned Handful” is because as I’ve studied law the past several years, I’ve come to admire an old judge named Learned Hand. He always seemed to make great decisions and have sound, objective advice when making his rulings. One of the main reason I admire him is that he looked at all the facts and always seemed to be able to find gray area in his decisions. He didn’t see the world has either black or white and I don’t want to either. In today’s age of polarized politics I’d like to offer thoughtful observations that might be solutions to the extremes in thought that have characterized today’s discourse.
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About The Author
Draper has spent his career has a professional commercial photographer. He holds a B.A. in English Literature from Chico State and an M.F.A from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He has taught commercial photography at CSU Chico for the last 7 years and last year won the “Engaged Educator” award for the college. He is currently in his last year of law school at Cal Northern School of Law. He enjoys fishing California lakes, streams and rivers and the occasional turkey hunt.